Saturday, February 6, 2021

CME Writer's Marketplace 2021 to be Released February 22

The 2021 edition contains the latest trends, market needs, and insider advice aimed at helping freelance CME writers to sell their work. Go to and place your pre-order by February 21 to save 10% off the cover price.

This magazine-style e-booklet contains detailed listings about the current needs of 13 different U.S. medical education companies based on actual in-person and email interviews with hiring editors and medical directors. Each listing contains guidance on what types of documents are typically purchased (needs assessments, test questions, slide decks, manuscripts/monographs, case studies, outcome reports, etc.), typical prices paid, URLs of exemplary programs, and full contact information. 

CME Writer's Marketplace also provides writers with articles suggesting how much to charge, where to find free and low-cost training, how to break into the field, and how to adapt to emerging markets. Finally, readers receive a timely essay highlighting 3 top trends that are driving demand for CME content development.